Dear Professor Pavlovic,

Pardon me for rushing to ask half way through your fascinating post (I liked the poem :)

Is parroting that novel? Isn't foundational mathematics of the past century or more, which treated subjective presentations (symbol strings) as objective theories until Professor F. William Lawvere showed---with his structure functor---that there is no way to go from syntax to semantics except via objective concepts abstracted from particulars/experience, any different? Am I mistaken in thinking that Russell, with his "tables, chairs, and beer bottles", championed and celebrated the chatbot math, so to speak?

Going by an ancient saying in my mother tongue Telugu. which explicitly states that concepts, not their presentation in this or that language, are important, it seems to me that chatbots have a deep history/ancestry.

Your time permitting, please correct my misunderstanding/mistakes.

Thanking you,

Yours truly,




Posina Venkata Rayudu Venkata Rayudu Posina Rayudu

Qualitylessness, like meaningless symbols that propelled arithmetic to variable algebra, is indispensable for the graduation of geometry into variable geometry.